Friends, Easter is around the corner, how did that happen? It feels like it has snuck up on us this year due to COVID 19 and the lockdown. Anyway, we'll still be celebrating and I thought it the perfect time for a little tutorial on how to make a bunny finger puppet.
I've also created a colouring in page with 8 easter eggs to find. I hope it's a fun one, let me know if you print and use it, I love to see your creations.
You can download the colouring page here: Easter Egg Hunt Colouring Page
Easter Bunny Finger Puppet DIY
Materials needed
1. Felt: pink, black and white
15 x 15cm of pink (or whatever colour you are making the bunny)
Small pieces of white and black
2. Embroidery thread: black and pink (or your relative colour depending on your felt color)
3. Needle
4. Scissors
5. Printer and paper if you are going to print the template, otherwise just cut it out freehand.
Your can download the template here: Easter Bunny Finger Puppet Template
Instructions 1. Cut your pink felt into 2 pieces, 5 x 7cm each
2. Cut the top so the edges are rounded
3. Cut out 2 x bunny ears
4. Cut out bunny mouth and nose, 2 ovals, the white oval bigger than the black oval.
5. Cut about 20 cm black embroidery thread. Separate the 6 threads into 3 x threads of 2. You will just use one set of threads for this part.*
6. Thread 1 set through your needle, tie one end in a couple knots (so it won’t pull through when you start sewing)
7. Sew the nose and mouth onto the one piece of pink felt. Sew the nose on first (with the white mouth piece behind it), then sew a line for the mouth and 3 lines each side for the whiskers.
8. Sew 2 x eyes. I do the eyes by creating a ‘v’ shape, but a very sharp v with very little space between the 2 lines, end off by sewing a knot on the back side.
9. Cut about 35cm pink thread and separate it. You're going to sew the front piece with the face onto the back piece. Start on the bottom left, inside (between) the 2 pieces of felt. Sew a running (straight) stitch about 3mm inside the edge of the fabric all the way around the body of the bunny. Don’t forget to add the ears in at the top on each side. End off with a double stitch on the right hand side.
And there you have it, 1 x bunny finger puppet. You can make these in various colors and add them to your Easter gifts, or just play with them at any other time. Holly loves finger puppets and although she has not mastered putting them on her fingers she enjoys it when I do and sing a song or tell a story. I’m already singing ‘little bunny foofoo hopping through the forest’ as I write this, I blame the lockdown crazies for that.
Happy Easter friends :)
These PDFs are not for resale.
* The embroidery thread I buy comes as 6 threads, some come as 4. I separate them into threads of 2 as I find this most effective and easy to sew with, if you prefer threads of 3 then that works too.