Hi friends. I created these superhero veggie characters a while ago for a potential brand but they never got used, so I then created these worksheets, yay. While they are not perfect (will they ever be?) and a bit random, I thought I would post them as we head into the last week of holidays, hopefully someone will find them useful. They are not targeted at a specific age group and I'm not a teacher, so I can't tell you exactly who will enjoy each one, you know your kids and their capabilities, use them or don't, its up to you!

Happy Sunday, I hope you are keeping warm, it's freezing here in Hilton and Eskom has been out all weekend, fun times (thank goodness for solar and gas - although in this mizzy weather we've produced little-to-no solar, so keep us in your thoughts as we have bucket baths tonight ;)
I so appreciate it when you share these downloads, whether on socials or by sending them to a friend, a big thank you if you do!
Download the Superhero veggie activity worksheets here (6 pages in total):
The answers are here (to the word search and spot the difference, the others should be fairly obvious):
These PDFs are not for resale.